
your Corporate Functions

Advisory & Consulting Services

What We Offer

Our experienced team provides a comprehensive strategic service offering across the full range of industries and functional areas. By applying our hands-on, operational experience, our optimisation and integration goals are achieved by advising on strategic objectives and then helping you to implement these through our consulting services capability. The overarching objective is to work alongside businesses to help them develop actionable strategies to accelerate their growth and optimise their operating costs. At a minimum, our services will help the organisation keep pace with the market and competitors and then through further investment can progress and stay ahead of their competitors.


Advisory Services
Seeking to Understand & Guide

    • We work alongside Owners and Senior Executives to help Frame the current state of their business in order to Identify the various opportunities for optimisation
    • By providing an holistic view of the company as it operates today and comparing that against a realistic future state, we lay the foundation that will support the making of informed decisions on how to achieve that future
    • As independent professionals, we use our experience to provide an outside perspective interlaced with the realities being faced by the business
    • As your key trusted advisor, we operate as a sounding‑board to ensure a complete 360 degree view is crafted, taking into account all valid perspectives by acting as a catalyst for out‑of‑the‑box thinking

Consulting Services
Transforming ideas into reality

  • Once the opportunities have been identified, we pivot from advising to consulting in order to help Shape a roadmap for the future state to be realised in full
  • By incrementally focussing on each validated and approved opportunity, we ensure businesses maximise their investment return in line with defined milestones
  • By remaining constantly mindful of each company’s nuances, we help accelerate the implementation of the roadmap to ensure the optimisation and integration initiatives delivery returns in the short-term
  • The final stage is to Harness what has been implemented to ensure these are embedded into the ongoing operations of the business and implementing the next opportunity in line with the the regularly reviewed and updated strategy

Our Unique Framework


To maximise the outcomes for every business, F·I·S·H has developed a unique end-to-end framework that we utilise to guide us throughout our engagement with you. The framework ensures we remain focussed and structured in our approach while always allowing for flexibility in collating the ideal strategy for each individual business. By incrementally implementing each element of the roadmap, a cycle of continuous improvement can be established. As pain points are progressively addressed and opportunities are iteratively realised, an accumulative positive impact will be realised across the organisation and by its people.


While, ideally, all the cycles and components of the framework are utilised as a complete system, it has been designed to allow autonomy for each of the cycles thereby enabling the starting point to be tailored to each company’s requirements. By ensuring that the elements are grounded in, and align to, the overarching company strategy – whatever the starting point – the full benefits of the framework are still able to be realised.

To derive the maximum benefits and achieve optimal outcomes, the framework should be implemented as a whole with each cycle utilised in an open-ended manner, yet ensuring that connections to the other cycles are maintained. This is achieved through regular reviews where learnings and ideas are fed back into each cycle to help re-reframe the company’s optimisation opportunities thereby ensuring the roadmap is regularly updated to remain relevant to the business as it evolves.

Why F·I·S·H?


  • Your long-term success is our sole objective and we approach every engagement as an opportunity to build towards being recognised as your key Trusted Advisor.
  • We are a highly-qualified team with extensive global financial, business and technology experience across varied industries. With over twenty years’ experience in the UAE market working with a wide range of organisations, we are well positioned to provide the boost your business needs.
  • We are passionate about helping businesses break through constraints and barriers and to continue to grow in order for its full potential to be achieved. We identify and help implement optimal business solutions to ensure your company is keeping abreast of your industry peers with a goal of moving towards the leadership quadrant.

Partners & Affiliates

Our success is achieved through a strong partner and affiliate network


We recognise that to offer the best advice to a diverse range of businesses, each with their own complex and highly specific needs, that we need to tap into a wider network of experts. F·I·S·H works closely with a number of partner organisations and affiliate members to ensure we can deliver these speciality services seamlessly, as part of a holistic strategy and roadmap


By enhancing our own expertise with the deep capabilities of these partners and affiliates, we offer the right combination of skills and knowledge needed for each unique business scenario, thereby ensuring all aspects are considered in proposing optimisation and integration solutions

Start your Journey with Us!


Whether you are seeking to develop a new strategy, validate your existing strategy or realise that something needs to change but it is not clear what that is, we can assist you


Each company is unique and probably at a different phase of their lifecycle; determining a starting point is not always straightforward and is normally a relatively complex undertaking; we can help you by applying the F·I·S·H framework to identify the best starting point


We encourage you to reach out to us by submitting the contact form or completing the Self-Assessment. We look forward to the opportunity to meet you in order to understand how we can work with you to ensure the continued success of your business