
your Corporate Functions

About Us

F·I·S·H is a UAE-based company focussed on improving your Business Value

Who is F·I·S·H?


F·I·S·H provides "boutique" services and "bespoke" solutions to the private sector

We provide advisory and consulting services to established start-ups and mid-size SMEs, specialising in Corporate Functions, the mid and back-office people, process and technologies that are used to support a company’s core operations


F·I·S·H helps business increase their value

Our underlying philosophy is to add business value along every step of the engagement by focussing on what matters most to the business


F·I·S·H is an enabler

We are dedicated to ensuring businesses develop the in-house skills and capabilities to sustain their long-term growth objectives

Interested in Understanding How We Can Help Your Business?

Let’s discuss how we can work with you over a cup of your preferred beverage

Our Approach

Creating Long-Term Value for Your Business 


Our passion is to help businesses attain sustainable success and to be recognised by customers, shareholders and people for the value the company provides to them; this drives us to deliver the outcomes your company needs to succeed


Our underlying philosophy is to add business value along every step of the engagement by focussing on what matters most to your business and always ensuring we maintain alignment with your long-term strategic objectives


F·I·S·H differentiates itself by adopting a long-term view, committed to the long-haul, by taking the journey with you and ensuring we continue to advise in implementing your evolving roadmap, while continuously tweaking your strategy 


We go beyond the typical offerings and practices in the region by delving deeper to broaden our understanding of your business to provide unique insights that are practical and actionable, thereby providing the advantage and outcomes your company needs


To ensure the best outcomes, we adopt an unconstrained and entrepreneurial mindset for every engagement, unafraid to challenge entrenched processes; the intent is to act as a catalyst by saying what you need to hear, which may not be what you want to hear


We approach every engagement without any preconceptions – we seek to understand your business as a unique entity and tailor our approach and framework accordingly in order to achieve optimal outcomes


Our professionally qualified experts and practitioners are viewed as enablers – we add true value through our hands-on and inclusive approach, leveraging real-world experience which helps us understand your business and deliver the outcomes you require


F·I·S·H aims to be recognised and valued as your key strategic advisor by offering a broad spectrum of business advisory and consulting services; the time and energy invested into optimising your business needs to result in ongoing and long-term benefits being realised


Guided by our unique framework, we utilise a wide range of tools and methods best suited to your business; we continuously and actively encourage the introduction of new approaches and ideas to allow us to adapt to ever changing and evolving business needs

Our People

While F·I·S·H, as a newly registered company, could be considered a new entrant in the market, this is not reflective of the well established capabilities and extensive experience our people have amassed in the UAE. With a combined total of more than twenty years’ working with organisations in the UAE to optimise their operations, we possess the capabilities needed to help you business succeed in this market.

Our diverse and multicultural team provides you with customised and flexible services to ensure we fully understand your business and your desired outcomes. We will continue to work alongside you to ensure that those outcomes are achieved by removing any roadblocks and obstacles.

Industry Experience